Products & Services

Birthday Questions

A few years ago, I started the tradition of asking my friends birthday questions. It was a series of questions about their last year, their life, themselves to celebrate another year of their life. At first, I just came up with them off the top off my head, but after a few years I decided to write them down. Then I decide to print them so that I could share them. They are the size a business card when folded so it fits in your wallet. Ask your friends and loved one these questions to honor their birthday and to get to know them better.

Order here.

KM Coaching

Through my HR experience, I have coached executives across a variety of industries and through a variety of professional and leadership issues. I subscribe to the co-active coaching method. I am here to be your partner through the challenges you are facing, personal or professional. I also offer a free introducation conversation and bespoke packages that meet your needs.

More to Come!

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